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Monday, April 12, 2010


When you're lost in thought
As you make it through your day

I am one who fought
And was scarred along the way

For the freedom bought
With the lives one can't repay

When your child is taught
To remember yesterday

When the day is hot
And you bend your knees to pray

Yes, I heard the shot
But I did not run away

I'm a patriot
And I need your help today

- from DAV flier, March, 2010
"A person who is fundamentally honest doesn't need a code of ethics. The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount are all the ethical code anybody needs." - Harry S. Truman

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Slave Psychology vs Individuality

"So long as the strange belief was held that a man was only a stimulus-response animal and that his entire being was only a collection of aberrations (that his personality was only a matter of distortions of reality) no individuality or desire was safe from question or condemnation. This was a sort of slave psychology which, accidentally or otherwise, sought to block personal individuality and initiative. ... Then one could talk of masses. One could defeat individualism. And anyone who desires such a defeat is espousing an action so thoroughly destructive that he must be, and can be shown to be, thoroughly aberrated. For Man is rich only in ratio to the number of individuals whose initiative and individuality will create a better future. Wars can take place only when this sheep neurosis can be brought about. For lions don't stampede when some aberree shouts, 'Kill all the Russians,' for lions aren't likely to be afraid. But sheep will stampede. And then they will depend upon their individuals to save them. War can only happen where self-determinism is outlawed and the sheep psychology of 'adjustment' rules the land." - The Analytical Mind, L. Ron Hubbard, October 1950, 2009 printing, pg. 25-26

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


by L. Ron Hubbard, selected quotes, January 1951

"No amount of rules or directives can create a group. A group consists of perpetuating and perpetuated ideas formulated into a central mores and ethic - in other words, a culture."

"The effect of an indivudual on a group rises in proportion to his altitude in the group."

"Management could be said to be the planning of means to attain goals and their assignation for execution to staff and the proper coordination of activities within the group to attain maximal efficiency with minimal effort to attain determined goals."

"To be effective and successful a manager must understand as fully as possible the goals and aims of the group he manages."

"The successful participant of a group is that participant who closely approximates, in his own activities, the ideal, ethic and rationale of the overall group."

"That group which values its survival as a group at all would do well to learn group necessity value and how to express it."

Monday, April 05, 2010

"If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he builds his house in the woods the world will make a beaten path to his door." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882), American lecturer, essayist and poet
"... to write, write and then write some more. And never to allow weariness, lack of time, noise, or any other thing to throw me off my course." - L. Ron Hubbard