"One might postulate two more realities. The first is that of the
Supreme Being. No culture in the history of the world, save the thoroughly depraved and expiring ones, has failed to affirm the existence of a Supreme Being. It is an empirical observation that men without a strong and lasting faith in a Supreme Being are less capable, less ethical and less valuable to themselves and society. A government wishing to deprave its people to the point where they will accept the most perfidious and rotten acts, abolishes first the concept of God. And in the wake of that, destroys the family with Free Love, the intellectual with police-enforced idiocies, and so reduces a whole population to an estate somewhat below that of dogs. A man without an abiding faith is, by observation alone, more of a thing than a man. Modern science, producing weapons for the annihilation of men, women and children in wholesale lots, has solidly run itself aground on the reef of godlessness. Modern science has gone so far as to advocate the rise of Man from mud and clay alone, has denied to him even a semblance of a soul and so has not only solved none of the problems of the humanities, but has aided and abetted a godless, totalitarian government which seeks nothing less than the engulfment and enslavement of all men and the extinguishment of every spark of decency in the breast of every human being. These two tracks which have led away from the affirmation of the existence of a Supreme Being (modern science and totalitarianism) are both bringing Man into a machinelike state of being, where the ideal has become a lump of muscle, greasy with sweat, or a grimy mechanic serving a howling monster of steel. The arts, the humanities and the decencies are fallen away from until they are like tiny stars shining across a great, black void. The abandonment of the admission of a Supreme Being, as a reality intimate to the life of Man, makes prostitution the ideal conduct of a woman, perfidy and betrayal the highest ethic level attainable by a man, and obliteration by treachery, bomb and gun the highest goal attainable by a culture. Thus, there is no great argument about the reality of a Supreme Being, since one sees in the failure to countenance that reality, a slimy and loathsome trail downward into the most vicious depths." - L. Ron Hubbard in
Science of Survival, 1951, 2007 edition, pg. 113-114.
"Materialistic science operating on the premise that Man came from mud only, that the human soul is a delusion, that God was a myth of some aberrated Mesopotamian, has presented us at last with the immediate and real threat of Man's extinction as a species. In view of the fact that this materialistic science led only, then, in the direction of death, even the unthinking should see the fact that something must be desperately wrong with the teachings of the Lysenkos, the Darwins and my learned schoolmates, the atomic scientists who have given Man at last, for his grave spade, the atomic bomb... But Bacon and Newton did not espouse the materialist cause. Their disciples developed the doctrine that Man came from mud and that Man's destiny was mud... When science thrust this onto the scene of thinking, Man's willingness to accept a fact merely upon faith was in itself reduced. Caught unprepared before this new doctrine, without which (so its espousers claim) nothing could be valid, the religions still attempted to hold at high value what was actually a vitally necessary part of Man's social existence. But generation after generation of young men and (why, we certainly cannot tell) young women came off the assembly lines marked 'educational courses,' filled full of doctrine that they must believe only what they could experience and ground very fine in the mills of the materialist... These generations were wracked by divorce, inhibitions, purposelessness, sophistication, insincerity and general hopelessness. Representative of their feeling in the field of humanity were schools of thought which taught them that a man's highest goal was to become 'adjusted to his environment' (without once realizing that Man's only advance depended on Man's ability to
adjust the environment to him as a species), which taught that genetic heredity alone was responsible for neurosis and insanity and that filth and muck alone covered the entire problem of the human mind from top to bottom. This is a sad and piteous thing. No empire one has studied in any former day has ever become so depraved and godless in its senility as the overall average of the societies of Man in the world today. It is no wonder that an ideology which holds that Man, generation after generation, can be molded into mindless machine parts, that there is no destiny for the individual beyond his place as an emotionless, rigidly held cog in a dully, hopelessly grinding social wheel, commands of its minions the destruction and eradication from any society of the producer, the individualist, the thinker or any noble man.
The progress upward toward survival on higher levels is a progress, as well, toward God." - pg. 486-488