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Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Improving Lives Naturally

By Ray Sahelian, M.D.

There is so much potential in the use of natural supplements for a number of medical conditions. It excites me when I come across research findings that can improve the lives of many people.

Here’s just one example: Researchers at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in Charleston’s Medical University of South Carolina had 23 cocaine-dependent patients participate in a four-week study to determine if acetylcysteine supplementation would have an effect on cocaine craving. The subjects received N-acetylcysteine at doses of 1,200 mg/day, 2,400 mg/day, or 3,600 mg/day. All three doses were well tolerated. The majority of subjects who completed the study either stopped using cocaine completely or significantly reduced their use of cocaine during treatment.

I’ve also recently read a study showing that alpha lipoic acid use can enhance insulin sensitivity in diabetics. And another study showing that curcumin, one of the active chemicals in turmeric, may help prevent the loss of brainpower and proper nerve function (by increasing the clearance of amyloid plaques) in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. And yet another study showing that fish oils can reduce heart rhythm problems.

It is encouraging to know that readily available and inexpensive supplements are being tested to determine their potential - but there’s so much more to learn!

[Ed. Note: Ray Sahelian, M.D., the author of Mind Boosters, is internationally recognized as a moderate voice in the evaluation of natural supplements.]

It’s Fun to Know: The World’s Tallest Building

They’re at it again in Dubai. Not content with man-made islands shaped like palm trees or indoor ski slopes in the middle of the desert, residents of this United Arab Emirate can now call the world’s tallest building their own. The Burj Dubai is still under construction [in September 2007 but completed January 2010], and the final height has not yet been disclosed [2,722 ft on completion] - but the builders claimed in late July [2007] that at 1,680 feet and 141 floors, the unfinished tower already loomed 13 feet above the previous record holder, the Taipei 101 in Taiwan.

(Source: CNET)

Word to the Wise: Conflate

To "conflate" (kun-FLATE) - from the Latin for "to blow together" - is to bring together or combine.

Example (as used by William Raspberry in The Washington Post): "Painting America as a drug-ridden society leads to bad policy - as does the tendency in some quarters to conflate the various drug abuses into a single dreadful statistic."
These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2142, 09-08-07], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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