Solving Unsolvable Problems - in Your Sleep!
By Clayton Makepeace
When you snooze at night, your conscious mind conks out and the flow of new information ebbs. That gives your subconscious mind time to sort through all the new files and make connections between them and older files it has stored away over the years.
If you struggled with a problem during the day, for example, your subconscious says, "This problem is a lot like another problem we solved years ago." Then, your subconscious creates a connection that your conscious brain can use to access the solution. When you're awake, all of these new connections are available to your conscious mind to draw from.
So how do you solve unsolvable problems? You sleep through them!
Gary Bencivenga says he writes great marketing copy in his sleep. When he finds himself struggling with something during the day, he sets it aside and moves on to something else. Then, just before he turns in for the evening, he reads or thinks in detail about the "unsolvable problem" - and more often than not, his subconscious solves it for him by morning.
Although Gary and I never discussed this, I have done precisely the same thing for the past two decades.
Try it. You'll be amazed.
[Ed. Note: Direct-marketing consultant and copywriter Clayton Makepeace has spent the last 35 plus years creating direct-mail, Internet, and print promotions that have sold well over $1 billion worth of products.]
This article appears courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2213, 11-30-07], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit

This article appears courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2213, 11-30-07], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit
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