Autumn Veggies That Slow Aging
The pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and winter squash piled high in your
local farmers' market offer much more than autumn decoration. These
orange-hued fall foods are a rich source of age-fighting nutrients called
New research shows that foods high in carotenoids may help protect against the DNA damage that contributes to the ravages of aging. Because DNA divides and is copied over and over again throughout the course of a lifetime, small flaws in your DNA can make a big impact on your health. While copying flawed DNA is responsible for little imperfections (like crow's feet), it is also the culprit for a much more serious concern: cancer.
New research shows that foods high in carotenoids may help protect against the DNA damage that contributes to the ravages of aging. Because DNA divides and is copied over and over again throughout the course of a lifetime, small flaws in your DNA can make a big impact on your health. While copying flawed DNA is responsible for little imperfections (like crow's feet), it is also the culprit for a much more serious concern: cancer.
So fall in love with the flavors of autumn and give your body the
benefits of a cornucopia of carotenoids. Enjoy mashed sweet potatoes,
roasted winter squash (try Butternut and Golden Nugget), and even pumpkin pie (made with a whole wheat pie crust). And don't forget to add a little
healthy fat to your orange-hued foods. Because carotenoids are fat-soluble,
it will help your body absorb more of these age-fighting nutrients.
[Ed. Note: Kelley Herring is the founder and CEO of Healing
Gourmet, a
multimedia company that educates the public on how foods promote health and
protect against disease, and is editor-in-chief of the Healing Gourmet book series, including Eat to Fight Cancer.]
It's Good to Know: Healthcare Communications
A language barrier can be frustrating enough when you're trying to
get tech support for your computer from someone 10,000 miles away, but the
limited English skills of some immigrants to the
U.S. can be deadly during
emergency situations.
To prevent misunderstandings and speed up their care, many
hospitals and ambulances are spanning the communication gap by using a large board with pictures on it. Patients merely need to point at the pictures
that represent their medical problem (such as pain or breathing trouble)
and the part of the body that's affected. They can also point to the name
of the language they speak so a translator can be called in quickly.
(Source: CNN)
"Acumen" (uh-KYOO-mun) - from the Latin for "to
sharpen" - is quickness of perception or discernment.
Example (as used by Ellis Amburn in Subterranean Kerouac: The Hidden Life of Jack Kerouac):
"With Leo's rare combination of editorial acumen and business
know-how, he might have become a publishing giant had he not permitted his
drinking and gambling to hold him back."
__________________________________________________These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2185, 10-29-07], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit
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