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Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Effect of Zinc on Heart Health

By Jon Herring

Researchers at the University of Kentucky found that a zinc deficiency can increase your risk of heart attack. By triggering inflammation and lowering the body's level of cardio-protective compounds, it can lead to clogged arteries ... or worse.

The scientists divided mice into 3 groups. One group was fed a diet with no zinc, the second a diet with a "normal" or control amount, and the third was given a zinc supplement. By the end of the study, the mice given the zinc supplement had the greatest reduction in overall cholesterol levels and triglycerides. Meanwhile, the mice that received no zinc had an increase not only in cholesterol/triglyceride levels but also inflammation.

To maintain healthy zinc levels, you might want to take a multi-vitamin. (The recommended daily allowance is 15 mg.) You should also be eating foods that are naturally rich in this mineral, including oysters, grass-fed red meat, free-range poultry and eggs, beans, Brazil nuts, and almonds. 

Word to the Wise: Vernacular

The "vernacular" (ver-NAK-yuh-lur) is the native language of a country or locality. The word is derived from the Latin "vernaculus" ("native").

Example (as Michael Masterson used it recently): "The vernacular [of Shanghai], Shanghainese, is wildly different from the official language, standard Mandarin."
These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #1764, 06-24-06], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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