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Friday, August 01, 2014

Get Paid to Learn a Business

By Larry Fredericks

Starting a side business is one of the best ways to supplement your income, or even start a new career. But it can be hard to decide on a business that is right for you. Fortunately, there is an easy way to make sure you've chosen the right one before you leap into it. And, as a matter of fact, you can even get paid to find out if you like it.

To learn how to run a certain type of business profitably, get a job with a company that's already doing it.
That's what LB did. He was a successful direct-mail copywriter, but had no experience with the nuts and bolts of running a large mail-order house. So he accepted a low-level position with such a company, and earned enough to pay the bills while he learned the ropes. After a year of working there, he knew so much that an even bigger mail-order operation offered him a position as a partner (with a great compensation package).

[Ed. Note: Larry Fredericks is an entrepreneur with a history of successful business dealings in retail, direct mail, the Internet, and real estate. He is also the creator of the Street Smart Business Program, which can teach you proven methods for creating a profitable business - even if you don't have much start-up capital.]
Lack of Sleep Makes You Fat

By Craig Ballantyne

I wish it were simpler, but a lot of things can cause you to gain fat. It's not always just a lack of exercise and an overabundance of food. So if you are eating right and exercising, but still having a hard time burning off excess inches, maybe you should take a look at your sleeping patterns.

In a study of 30 Greek women, researchers found that those who slept less had more body fat. In fact, for every one-hour decrease in the number of hours they slept, the women saw an increase of almost three percent more body fat.

The researchers were unable to associate a lack of sleep with an increase in caloric intake, so the reason for their results remains a mystery.

But... if you aren't getting seven or eight hours of sleep each night, this could be the missing link in your fat-loss program. Try going to bed 30 minutes earlier for the next week, and then go to bed even 30 minutes earlier for another week. See if that helps you lose more fat.

[Ed. Note: Fitness expert Craig Ballantyne is the creator of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss system.]line
Word to the Wise: Apprise
To "apprise" (uh-PRIZE) is to inform. The word is derived from the French for "to learn."

Example (as used by David Loxterkamp, M.D., in A Measure of My Days): "I felt it a duty almost to stifle opinion: As a doctor, you are there to support the patient, apprise him of the bare clinical facts only."
These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2202, 11-17-07], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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