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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Add Some Variety to Your Day-to-Day

You probably already know that traditional cardio exercise is not going to get you fit. To burn fat, you should be exercising in short, intense intervals. Unfortunately, even interval training can get a little boring. So before you're tempted to give up out of boredom, you need to switch it up and add a little variety to your program.
During the week, alternate between two different interval-training workouts, rather than doing the same workout each time. And change those workouts every four weeks.
Here are some suggestions:
  • Increase/decrease the length of the interval (while decreasing/increasing the intensity)
  • Increase or decrease the number of intervals per workout
  • Increase or decrease the rest time between intervals
[Ed. Note: Fitness expert Craig Ballantyne is the creator of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss system.]
It's Fun to Know: Glacier Surfing
Alaskan enthusiasts of extreme sports have found a new way to get an adrenaline rush - surfing on the huge waves created when a big chunk of glacial ice drops into the water. The waves can be up to 30 feet tall, and move so fast (about 40 miles per hour) that the surfers must be towed by jet skis in order to catch them. The challenge, say the surfers, is trying to correctly guess where the next ice fall will be and putting themselves in a position to catch the wave but not be crushed by the falling material.
(Source: Discovery Channel)

Word to the Wise: Numinous
"Numinous" - from the Latin for "a nod of the head" - suggests the presence of a supernatural being. In other words, it pertains to something that is spiritual or beyond understanding.
Example (as used by Judith Pascoe in The New York Times): "When Keats died, his hair took on the numinous appeal of a religious artifact."
These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2168, 10-09-07], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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