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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Relief for Migraine Sufferers

By James LaValle

Undiagnosed food allergies can cause dark circles around the eyes, fatigue, chronic sinus drainage, joint pain, and general achiness. But they may also cause headaches. I've known this for years, and research is finally validating it.

Many migraine sufferers can name their trigger foods - often chocolate, nuts, red wine, or cheese. Until recently, no one had a good explanation for why those foods act as triggers. However, according to a recent study in an allergy and immunology journal, migraines, which can occur in as much as 18 percent of the population, may be caused by IgG food allergies. (An IgG allergic response is a delayed reaction - as opposed to the immediate response of an IgE reaction, such as hives or anaphylaxis - which occurs when a foreign substance like bacteria or a food protein enters the bloodstream.)

In the study, migraine sufferers were tested for 108 food allergens. In those who tested positive for IgG reactions to foods, the headaches were successfully treated without the use of migraine medications. The subjects simply avoided the foods they were allergic to. Unfortunately, IgG testing is rarely suggested to those who suffer migraines, even though it is readily available and relatively inexpensive.

While IgG food allergies have not been fully recognized in the past, newer information is set to change that. So if you suffer from migraines (or any of the other symptoms I mentioned above), food allergy testing - namely IgG or ELISA testing - may be the solution to your problem. For more information, visit our website at or go to or

It's Good to Know: How to Extend the Life of Your Laptop Battery

Business road warriors know all too well that laptop battery life is a precious thing, especially when working on a plane, in an airport, or anywhere else without readily accessible electrical outlets.

One way to extend the life of your battery is to change the power settings. In Windows, double-click on the "battery" icon on the lower right-hand side of the screen. You'll find several power-saving options. One major drain on laptop battery juice, for example, is the screen. So making it less bright will significantly extend battery life.

(Source: Lifehacker)

Word to the Wise: Flapdoodle

"Flapdoodle" (FLAP-dood'l) is nonsense. Though of uncertain origin, the word is usually considered to be an American invention.

Example (as used by Betty Fussell in The New York Times): "Behind the tourist flap-doodle, authentic [Key West] cooking is produced by the descendants of Bahamian English and Cubans, who migrated to this coral reef over a century ago."

These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2571, 01-21-09], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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