The Best Way to Boost Metabolism
By Craig Ballantyne
The best way to boost your metabolism is not with an overpriced, full-of-caffeine pill from a bottle. No matter what the magazine ads say, these supplements will not have a lasting effect on your metabolism.
Why is it important to boost your metabolism anyway?
Your metabolism is the rate at which you burn fat and calories. If you don't do resistance-training exercise, your metabolism decreases with age as you lose muscle.
Oops, I just gave you the secret to boosting metabolism.
In a recent study, researchers divided subjects into three groups. One group changed only their diet, the second group changed their diet and added aerobic exercise, and the third group changed their diet and did resistance training. All three groups lost about 25 pounds.
However, the resistance-training group was the only one that maintained their lean muscle mass and, as a result, lost more fat (since they lost the same amount of weight as the two groups that weren't able to maintain their lean muscle mass).
Plus, with their metabolism still running high, the resistance-training group had a greater potential for even more fat loss down the road.
So if you want to lose fat, sculpt your body, and boost your metabolism, there is no better way than to add two or three resistance-training workouts to your weekly schedule.
It's Fun to Know: A Little-Known Perk for Postal Workers
There's a town in Central Florida that's populated entirely by retired postal workers and their spouses. Nalcrest was founded in 1963 by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), and it's still run by the union, without government subsidy.
What does it cost to live in Nalcrest? The 500 apartments on the property rent for between $315 and $335 a month. A bargain. So, not surprisingly, there's a long waiting list. Worth 25 to 30 years of sometimes back-breaking service? Maybe.
(Source: Palm Beach Post )
To "inveigle" (in-VAY-gul) - from the Latin for "without eyes" - is to persuade by ingenuity or flattery.
Example (as used by Robert Byrne in The New York Times ): "[The chess-playing computer] Deep Blue had tried to inveigle [Garry] Kasparov into grabbing several pawn offers, but the champion was not fooled."
These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2354, 05-13-08], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit
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