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Friday, March 06, 2009

The Perfect Fat-Burning Workout

By Craig Ballantyne

If you're like most people, you don't have a whole lot of time to work out. Not to mention, you'd rather exercise in your home gym than pay monstrous fees to a local health club. If you want to lose fat fast at home, here's an easy-to-implement plan.

  • Bodyweight Circuit (3 to 5 minutes)

Do 10 repetitions each of squats, push-ups, and step-ups. Rest as short a time as possible between each exercise.

  • Strength-Training Supersets (about 20 minutes)

In a superset, you do two exercises back to back, without resting. Pair "non-competing" exercises together in the supersets - for instance, upper- and lower-body exercises, or pushing and pulling exercises. Non-competing supersets allow you to get more work done than traditional supersets. I recommend using dumbbell or bodyweight exercises.

  • Interval Training

Finish with 10 to 20 minutes of interval training. You can use traditional cardio machines, kettlebells, and/or bodyweight circuits at this time. Fast, fun, and effective.

Get in, get out, and get on with your life!


It's Good to Know: What's the Appendix Good For, Anyway?

If you have to have your appendix removed, it won't have much of an effect on your health. In fact, you probably won't notice anything different, except for the surgery scar, of course. So why do we have an appendix in the first place?

Its purpose has baffled scientists for hundreds of years. But a team of surgeons and immunologists at Duke University think they have the answer. They have proposed that the appendix stores beneficial bacteria. They say that when a person's stock of "good" intestinal bacteria, which helps digestion, is decreased by illness, the appendix steps in to replace it.

(Source: Discover Magazine)


Word to the Wise: Deliquesce

To "deliquesce" (del-ih-KWES) - from the Latin for "to be fluid" - is to melt away or disappear as if by melting. The word is related to "liquid" and "liquor."

Example (as used by John Simon in the National Review): "His entire countenance seems to deliquesce into a splotch of spreading goo."

These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2351, 05-09-08], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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