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Monday, January 07, 2008

Lose Weight Starting With Breakfast

By Kelley Herring

When it comes to losing weight, no meal is more important than breakfast. And new research shows that you'll have better results if you bag the bread and opt for eggs.

For a recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, researchers separated participants into two groups. One group ate eggs for breakfast. The other group had a bagel with the same number of calories.

They found that the egg breakfast helped participants feel fuller over 24 hours than the bagel-based breakfast. What's more, those enjoying the egg breakfast ate about 330 calories less during the remainder of the day. Over the course of a month, this one simple change could help you lose almost four pounds.

Take a few minutes in the morning to scramble an egg. Or hard-boil several and refrigerate for a quick, portable protein breakfast. If you're daring (like me), enjoy your eggs raw and fresh - whirled right into an organic, berry-packed smoothie. And don't forget the yolk. That's where half of the protein and all of the sight-saving lutein and zeaxanthin is.


It's Good to Know: Electric Sockets Around the World

As even the occasional overseas traveler knows, electric outlets are different in other countries. In fact, there are 13 standard electrical plugs, as well as varying voltages. So when you're preparing for a business trip or vacation in a foreign country, plan ahead and bring the proper adaptor. (You can get them at Radio Shack for about $15.) If you don't, you won't be able to do things like charge up your laptop or use your hair dryer.

For a listing of electrical standards by country and for more information on using adaptors and electrical appliances safely while overseas, check out these websites:

(Source: National Geographic)

These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2219, 12-07-07], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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