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Monday, January 07, 2008

Business Idea: Getting Shampoo and Shaving Cream Through Airport Security

By Charlie Byrne

Look for problems, present a solution, and you've got a working business idea. And where are there bigger problems than at airport security check-in lines?

Some clever entrepreneurs at are trying to turn one big annoyance - the 3-ounce carry-on limit for shampoo, shaving cream, etc - into solutions.

The online retailer now offers shampoo and shaving "papers." They've transformed liquid items into 30 sheets of paper packed in small plastic containers. The papers dissolve in water and foam up.

Of course, this begs the question: If "good guys" can turn shampoo and shaving cream into a "solid" form, what can the "bad guys" do?

But we don't even want to go THERE, do we?


Maintain Your Metabolism

By Craig Ballantyne

Getting older means losing muscle and a slowing metabolism. That's a harsh fact. So you have to do something about it if you want to avoid gaining inches as you age.

Unfortunately, most people rely on modifying their eating habits to keep the fat off. But even if you eat well, according to a recent study, a sedentary lifestyle still leads to a loss of muscle mass. And when you lose muscle mass, your metabolism slows down.

In this study, American researchers put 24 young women through an extreme test. Each one was subjected to 60 days of bed rest. Eight women performed strength and endurance training several times per week, while another eight women ate a high-protein diet but did no exercise.

The no-exercise and bed-rest groups lost more muscle mass than the women who performed a short exercise program several times per week. The high-protein diet did nothing to help reduce muscle loss.

The researchers concluded that the only way to avoid muscle loss is through exercise. Use it or lose it!

If you are not on an exercise program, start by scheduling an appointment with a certified trainer to show you how to use resistance training and interval training to get maximum muscle-metabolism-boosting results in minimum time.


Word to the Wise: Soi-Disant

"Soi-disant" (swah-dee-ZAHN) means self-styled or so-called. The expression is French for "oneself" + "saying."

Example (as used by Craig Offman in Time magazine): "The troupe, soi-disant egalitarians, mostly turn out to be royal phonies."

Michael Masterson
These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2216, 12-04-07], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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