Uniqueness Matters: How to Differentiate Your Product from the Competition
By Michael Masterson
Think of your primary product. Now answer these two questions: Is there something about it that is better than the other products of its kind? Do you emphasize that advantage in your marketing?
If you answered yes to both questions, be happy: You have an edge over your competitors.
If you can’t compete on price – and most new businesses can’t – then
you have to compete with the product itself. And that means positioning
it as somehow different from and better than other
products of its kind. You do that by establishing a “unique selling proposition” (USP) – identifying a feature or benefit of the product and
presenting it as if it were unavailable anywhere else.
To help you come up with a strong USP, here are three points to consider…
The Best USPs Have the Appearance of Uniqueness:
The feature or benefit you decide to promote with your USP does not
necessarily have to be unique to your product, but it does have to seem
like it is. If, for example, you’re a tailor and you wash and iron every
item of clothing you mend, make the washing and ironing your USP. Other
tailors may be performing those same services – but if they’re not
mentioning it in their advertising, it will make you appear to be the
only one.
The Best USPs Have a Trendy Appeal:
The appearance of uniqueness is not enough. If the feature or benefit
you’re promoting is not desirable, it will do you no good to promote
it. The best USPs are those that tap into trends. The big screen on Apple’s iPhone, for example – a feature emphasized in all its ads –
played into a growing demand for bigger and more technically refined TV screens.
The Best USPs Are Conceptually Simple:
If your product’s USP is trendy, it is almost certainly simple too.
Very few complicated things ever become trendy. Plus, keep in mind that
you have to sell the USP – and nothing sells well that is difficult to
explain. The Fedex slogan – “When it absolutely, positively has to get
there overnight” – is a great example of a conceptually simple (and
highly successful) USP.
Uniqueness matters in the marketplace. So make sure you have a USP
for every one of your products that makes it stand out in your
customers’ minds.
[Ed. Note: Simple direct-marketing techniques like the one Michael just described can help you skyrocket your sales.]
This article appears courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2392, 06-26-08], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com/.
Think of your primary product. Now answer these two questions: Is there something about it that is better than the other products of its kind? Do you emphasize that advantage in your marketing?
This article appears courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2392, 06-26-08], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com/.
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