You, the Movie
By John Carlton
Here is my insight (after a couple of decades on the advertising front lines): It comes from observing life as an ongoing movie. With characters, story angles, plot twists, and endings that arrive like punch lines.
This is how the legendary copywriters I’ve known go through their
day… seeing nearly everything in terms of a movie script. It’s an
unconscious habit, and wickedly effective at keeping your writing chops
chugging on all cylinders.
Even the most mundane errand can be retold as a raucous tale full of
shocking revelation when you put this talent to work. Nothing
interesting or weird or funny gets by a top scribe.
So, when faced with clients needing killer ads… it’s easy to find,
and flesh out, the stories hidden in products, campaigns, and markets.
Because it’s all a movie.
Think about your own life.
No, seriously. Think about it.
Most people have trouble “seeing” themselves in the world at all.
Without a mirror, they’re not even sure they exist. Their daily
experiences are like watching a “monkey cam” – the filmed result of
attaching a camera to the back of a chimp and letting him wander off.
It’s not a smooth, thought-out, coherent narrative. Instead, it’s
jerky, chaotic, and (unless there are “happy accidents”) mostly boring.
There. I’ve said it.
Most people lead boring lives.
For any savvy copywriter, that’s a tremendous advantage. All you have
to do… is be the one thing your bored-to-death prospect reads today
that gets his blood moving. And you’re well on your way to closing the
Again, think about your life.
Consider how it has progressed in actual chapters, or acts… just like a long-running serial flick.
Maybe your story is as straightforward as childhood, adulthood, starting a biz, getting married.
Or maybe it’s more nuanced, in peculiar ways that make sense to you…
but may sound exotic to outsiders. I know one guy, for example, who
catalogs his past using whichever car was in his life at the time: The
ancient ’55 Buick Special (junior year in high school), the only
slightly abused ’67 Mustang (freshman year of college), the
brand-spanking-new Toyota (first full-time job), the Pontiac mini-van
(first kid), etc.
This guy will fry your ear with great stories, too. All starring him and his wheels.
The more precise and anchored you can be, the better your stories will become.
And the better your OWN parcel of stories is, the easier you can spot
– and use – stories from the world around you when you’re writing to
influence and persuade.
I was lucky to grow up in a family of storytellers. And since I was
the youngest by eight years, I learned quickly to be pithy and
interesting… or risk losing the attention of my audience. (Few adults
have much patience for meandering stories with no point, even from their
own kids.)
The trick is to focus on short, crisp, rollicking tales that get to
the payoff quickly. With a beginning, a middle, and an end. Or, like a
good joke, with a premise, a set-up, and a punch line.
In fact, I suggest you start crafting your tales – both the personal and professional – in three brisk sentences.
They can be serious or funny or rueful or just hmmm -inducing snippets of action.
But they must be complete stories.
So start editing, with an audience in mind. For example: “Suzy and I, at 17, started out convinced no one
had ever felt a love so wild and crazy before. However, that dizzy high
of shared hormonal bliss… was cruelly followed by heartache and misery
when her attention shifted away from me. And I ended up as a sad, sad
boy, convinced no one had ever felt such pain before.”
Set-up, plot synopsis, and tidy ending with a hook (the “completed circle” of the phrase convinced no one had ever felt...). You can go into more specifics (should your audience crave it), but you’ve laid out the story very efficiently here.
If the point you were trying to make… say, in a sales
piece… was that you’ve been around the block emotionally, you scored.
Any further detail would muddy up the yarn.
Here’s another one: “I interviewed for my first real job right out of
college. Cinched up my tie, answered every jackass question seriously,
shook hands like a candidate. Got the gig, hated every second of my life
for six months, never quite caught my breath, got fired, and happily
collected unemployment checks for the next three months.”
Or, here’s a tidbit from my own biography: “We were vandals as kids,
mostly ineffective and innocent, but occasionally stunning models of
anarchy. Asked an engineer, once, how many railroad ties his cow-catcher
could handle… and the next day, put all those plus one on the tracks.
Derailed the train… and our genuine horror of success was deepened by
the realization we’d better watch our butts if we were gonna engage with
the adult world like that.”
Three sentences. Yeah, long ones. But three coherent, grammatically
correct sentences. A complete story, with entry point, action, and a
quasi-moral ending.
Consider how looooooooooooong I could have dragged out that tale, and
been absolutely justified in doing so. Because, hey, events took place
over a couple of days, and there are details of our gang and the
neighborhood and the derailment that are fascinating.
Just freaking fascinating.
But longer stories should be told only if you’re invited to tell
them. As in, writing your thousand-page biography and selling it. Anyone
buys, it’s a tacit agreement to put up with every long-winded saga
you’ve got up your sleeve.
Okay… now it’s your turn.
Leave a three-sentence story from your life in ... the “comments” section...
Don’t be shy. We’re all trying new stuff this year. (Or should be,
because the business landscape is changing so dramatically and rapidly.
The best marketers I know are trashing old limitations, stretching new
boundaries, waking up and engaging the world on fresh terms.)
And I can guarantee you this innocent little exercise will sharpen your chops as a storyteller. Some of you are already good, I’m sure… while others can use a lot of work. But we ALL need to remember how critical stories are for communication. (As in, communicating your sales message in a way that grabs attention, persuades, and closes.)
C’mon. Three lines. That forces you to be concise, to consider every
single word carefully, and to crunch often-rambling experiences into
tidy little narratives with a point.
Just like a top writer does it.
I’m not looking for funny. Not looking for tears. Not looking for anything profound.
Just a story.
For some writers, this will be a true test, because you aren’t used to pushing yourself. However, the best already do.
Good luck.
[Ed. Note: John Carlton is an expert copywriter, a pioneer in online marketing, and a teacher of killer sales copy.]
This article appears courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2339, 04-25-08], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit
"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today."
- Robert McAfee Brown
Have you ever wondered where the knack for finding stories and hooks —
the main ingredients of any great copywriter’s bag of tricks — comes
from?- Robert McAfee Brown
And I can guarantee you this innocent little exercise will sharpen your chops as a storyteller. Some of you are already good, I’m sure… while others can use a lot of work. But we ALL need to remember how critical stories are for communication. (As in, communicating your sales message in a way that grabs attention, persuades, and closes.)
This article appears courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2339, 04-25-08], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit
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