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Monday, May 19, 2014

Creating the Future

"Works of art are viewed by people. They are heard by people. They are felt by people. They are not just the fodder of a close-knit group of initiates. They are the soul food of all people." - L. Ron Hubbard

"A culture is as rich and as capable of surviving as it has imaginative artists. The artist is looked upon to start things. The artist injects the spirit of life into a culture. And through his creative endeavors, the writer works continually to give tomorrow a new form." - L. Ron Hubbard

"To write, write and then write some more. And never to allow weariness, lack of time, noise, or any other thing to throw me off my course." - L. Ron Hubbard

"A culture is only as great as its dreams and its dreams are dreamed by artists." - L. Ron Hubbard

"Technology has a balance. It brings the power to destroy, but also to create. The power to get away; the power to find -- and to build -- new worlds. To keep that balance we need to develop constructive abilities as fast as we do destructive ones. We need to see a future worth constructing. We do need that vision, that purpose, that challenge. We need people to envision worlds worth living in and worlds worth striving for. We need something important to do with the almost unimaginable creative power that is coming. We need our artists, our writers and our dreamers as never before." - Dr. J. Storrs Hall at The 28th Annual Writers & Illustrators of the Future Awards Event, author of Beyond AI and Nanofuture.

"Dreams don't really need to be a fairy tale....if you work hard enough, you can make them real in your lifetime." - David Carani, winner of the 2012 Writers of the Future Golden Pen Award.


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