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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Eat More... and Lose Weight?

By Michael Masterson

This is a fat country. And that means Americans are prone to a long list of fat-related health problems. Heart disease and high blood pressure are two of the big ones.

Dr. Al Sears, my personal physician, has helped me lose more than 25 pounds of fat, reduce my blood pressure, and strengthen my heart with an amazingly easy "eating program" he has developed over several years. It's based on relatively large quantities of high-quality protein (wild salmon, grass-fed beef, and organic eggs, cheese, milk, beans, and nuts).

How does it work? By exceeding your body's daily protein requirement, you boost your metabolism. As a result, you stop storing fat and start burning it.

For an active person like me, Dr. Sears recommends 1 gram of protein per day per pound of lean body mass (LBM).

Lean body mass is the weight of your body minus the fat. (There are several simple ways you can measure your own LBM. I'll explain how to do it in a future issue.). So a 180-pound man with 15 percent body fat would have an LBM of 153 pounds. And he should be eating 153 grams of protein a day. To give you an idea of what that means, an egg has 7 grams of protein, 6 ounces of fish has 42 grams, and a cup of cashew nuts has 21 grams.

I crave protein, so this is easy for me. I eat eggs every morning for breakfast and all sorts of high-quality protein throughout the day. My snacks are high-protein. And my dinners are a combination of proteins and organic vegetables.

One big benefit you will notice right away: By eating more protein and less starchy carbs, your appetite will decrease dramatically. Try it. Let me know how it works for you.


Today's Words That Work: Eighty-six

"Eighty-six" is diner slang for taking an item off the menu or canceling an order. It's also used by bars and restaurants when they refuse to serve an unruly or drunk customer. By extension, it can mean rejecting, discarding, or getting rid of anything or anyone (especially gangster style).

No telling where the term really originated. Some sources say it was a rhyme for "nix." Others say it came from Article 86 of the New York Liquor Code. Perhaps the best story points to Chumley's, a prohibition era bar in Greenwich Village. The place had a back door that exited at 86 Bedford Street -- and when the bar got raided, everyone made a dash for it. ("Quick! Eighty-six it!")

These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2789, 10-14-09], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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