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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Colostrum Helpful for Athletes

By Dr. Ray Sahelian, MD

We can all use a little extra help when it comes to building energy - and that goes double for athletes. One supplement that could help is bovine colostrum.

Colostrum is the early milk that a mammal produces for a few days after delivering a baby. In cows, it's called bovine colostrum. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine reports that bovine colostrum helped male cyclists have more energy during a bout of intense training.

Cecelia Shing, at the University of Queensland in Australia, followed 29 male distance cyclists. Her research team first took baseline measurements of the men's performance on a 40-kilometer time trial. They then randomly assigned the cyclists to drink either a supplement containing 10 grams of bovine colostrum protein or a whey protein supplement every day for eight weeks. During week eight, the men underwent five consecutive days of high-intensity training. There were no clear differences between the two groups during normal training. However, volunteers who used bovine colostrum performed at a higher level, with fewer signs of fatigue, during tests taken after the five-day run of intense training.

There are certain foods that I would consider superfoods in that they have a high concentration of substances useful for well-being and overall health. Colostrum falls into this category. It is rich in immunoglobulins - proteins involved in promoting the immune system and fighting germs. It has other beneficial compounds, too - such as growth factors and nucleosides - that are not found in regular milk.

You can find bovine colostrum in the dairy section of any health food store. It is also available as a supplement in capsule form.


It's Fun to Know: Swinging Through the Trees Like Tarzan

Tree houses and rope swings aren't just for kids anymore. And the action isn't confined to the backyard. Dozens of tree-top adventure parks have sprouted around the world, including the U.K., France, Bali, Thailand, and New Zealand. The parks feature rope bridges, zip lines, Tarzan-style swings, tree-top platforms, and more.

Adventurers wear safety harnesses and helmets, and are given thorough instructions before beginning their trek. The courses, which are up to 50 feet above the ground, usually take a couple of hours to complete. Check out these sites for more information:,,, and
(Source: Springwise )


Word to the Wise: Shibboleth

"Shibboleth" (SHIB-uh-lith) - from the Hebrew - is a word, saying, custom, or belief identified with a group or cause.

Example (as used by Elizabeth Austin in U.S. News & World Report ): "In the late '60s, however, the loud, open use of the 'F' word became a true shibboleth, dividing the student radicals from the Establishment 'pigs' they delighted in tweaking."

These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2338, 04-24-08], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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