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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Master Stress in Only 10 Minutes a Day


Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.

As I write this article, the stock market continues its wild gyrations and the economic and other rampant stress of our times is beginning to take its toll on our health.

This is not just my opinion, it's also been shown in a recent poll published by the American Psychological Association (APA).1 Money and the economy topped the list of stressors for at least 80% of those surveyed. Finances now overshadow the more usual daily stressors of work and relationships, with 46% of people reporting that their stress is due to worries about providing for their family's basic needs.

My own research clarifies that when you feel you have less control over your stress, it definitely causes you more concern. It raises your internal mind, body, and emotional threat level.2

Women Worse Off

Unfortunately, the brunt of this economic stress is falling upon women more than men. According to the APA's poll, compared with men, more women say they are stressed about money, the economy, job stability, housing costs, and health problems affecting their families.

Ladies of the boomer generation (ages 44-62) and Matures (aged 63+) are most likely to report the economy as a significant stressor, while women in general rank financial worries above personal health. Female Boomers report increases in stress associated with their job stability and health problems affecting their families.

Moreover, mature women are reporting dramatic increases in stress associated with family health concerns (87%), the economy (92%), and money (77%).

Beyond that, Generation Xers (ages 30-43) and Millennials (ages 18-29) are not immune from financial worries either. Generation Xers are the women most concerned about money (89% report money as a source of stress) and Millennials are most concerned about housing costs as a source of stress (75%).

The current work from the APA clearly reveals that our economic stress is causing more than half of Americans to report irritability, anger, fatigue, headaches, and sleeplessness. What's worse, these stress sufferers say they self-medicate by over-eating unhealthy foods, over drinking, and generally straying from healthy habits.1

In addition to the above-mentioned symptoms, the rise in stress-related issues can:

  1. Weaken your immune system
  2. Raise your blood pressure
  3. Disturb your sleep
  4. Lead to depression
  5. Cause memory loss

So What Can You Do?

As seen in the picture below, in 1949, a Swiss physiologist named Dr. Walter Hess, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine by revealing that two separate and distinct centers exist in your brain. The one on the left is the stress center, while the other one is an anti-stress center.3

X rays
An x-ray of the brain's stress (left) and relaxation centers (right).

When you are able to activate the anti-stress spot by following the directions below, many wonderful health-promoting events occur. Your blood pressure goes down, your pulse decreases, your unhealthy stress chemicals plummet, and, perhaps most importantly, the amount of oxygen your body needs goes down.

This puts you into a true anti-aging zone, because, when you use less oxygen, you create fewer free radicals, which are a hallmark of the aging process.4

Additionally, as emerging medical research shows, the relaxation response changes your genetic expression for the better. The reason is because unbalanced stress shortens the tip of your gene called the telomere, and relaxation lengthens your telomere because it stops the harmful effects of stress on your genes. This new search shows that relaxation techniques such as meditation, actually "turn off" the disease-promoting process stress causes.5

Over the years, there have been hundreds, if not thousands of research studies revealing many health and healing benefits of regular relaxation techniques such as meditation, prayer, visualization, and so on, including the picture of a much younger brain. Regions involved in memory and attention were thicker in people who meditated regularly. While these areas tend to shrink with age, older meditators were able to ward off some of this shrinkage.6-7

Meditation has many other positive benefits as well. As seen in the illustration below, in many research studies over three decades, meditation has been shown to help your heart, reduce anxiety, soften chronic pain, and increase longevity.6

Decreased Incidence of Disease
Regular meditation improves health and reduces disease.

A compilation of studies modeled after an article published by the Transcendental Meditation people many years ago. I wrote about it in Meditation as Medicine.

Here are the four steps needed to enter into the stress-mastering relaxation zone:

  1. Comfort: You don't have to sit like a pretzel to meditate. You can enter the zone in a soft chair. One caveat is that you don't want to be so comfortable that you fall asleep.

  2. Quiet: Your relaxation time is a special time, not to be interrupted by checking e-mail, blackberries, cell phones, or pets. Your time to meditate is sacred. If your spouse or significant other doesn't meditate, they shouldn't be in the room with you. The same holds true for children.

  3. A Tool: In the basic form of relaxation, your tool can be any thought, sound, short prayer, or phrase upon that you wish to focus. It can literally be anything. Even paying attention to your breath works well. Ideally your word should be something easy. Examples are peace, love, heal, or the word one, which has a long history of being used in the research on basic relaxation and meditation.

  4. An Attitude: Once you begin the process, you'll be surprised to discover that your mind reacts like a four-year-old child. If you ask a four-year-old to sit still, they will probably end up running all around the room. It's the same with your mind. At a time when you expect your mind to calm down, it actually speeds up. Why is this so? Well, all the pressure you have stored inside your mind is pent up in there. So, when we begin to elicit the response, it's as if a trap door opens and "boom," all these thoughts come flying out:

"Why didn't I go to the bathroom before I started?
"I have to balance my checkbook."
"I sure hope we get that mortgage."
"Where's my brother? He was supposed to be here an hour ago."
"Whatever happened to Joan from the first grade?"

When you practice this technique, your mind will be bombarded by thoughts.

I've been doing it for three decades and it still happens to me every day. Not to worry. This is simply the normal stress-releasing process and is expected. It's what you do with the thoughts that really count.

And what you do is -- just let them go and return to your word.

As one of my patients from England once said in a great Beatles accent, "Oh, Dr. Dharma. You mean you just start all over again?" That's right. When other thoughts enter your mind, you just start all over again. The way you do that is by going back to your focus word. For example, let's say your word is one. When other thoughts enter into your mind, you simply say to yourself: "Oh, well, [your name], "relax, one." That's all there is to it.

To end the technique, simply inhale, hold your breath for a moment, and exhale. Then inhale again, slowly stretch your arms up, exhale, and relax. Slowly open your eyes and hold your gaze on whatever you see, for about one minute. Then inhale, exhale, and take your time getting up.

Believe it or not, you only have to do this for 10 minutes at least once every day, preferably before breakfast, to get the full effect. If you can do it a second time in the afternoon, all the better.

You can use a digital clock or even open your eyes and look at your wristwatch. Just don't use an alarm, because it's too startling. What you'll find, with time, is that your mind will automatically know when the time is up.

It's easy.

Best of Blessings,

Dr. Dharma


  1. Stress In America; American Psychological Association Report, October 7, 2008.
  2. Khalsa, D. 1998. Alternative therapies in Health and Medicine. 4(6): 38-43.
  3. Hess WR. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1961; 86 3-8.
  4. Beary, J,F, & Benson, H. (1974). Psychosomatic Medicine. 36, 115-120.
  5. Dusek, J, et al. PLoS One 3(7): e2576, Published online July 2, 2008.
  6. Khalsa, D. Meditation as Medicine. Atria Books 2001.
  7. Lazar, S et al. 2005. Neuroreport. 16 17): 1893-1897.

[Ed. Note: The author of seven best-selling books, Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., often referred to as Dr. Dharma, is America's # 1 Brain Longevity Specialist.]

Healthy Living:
Xylitol Syrup Prevents Tooth Decay in Toddlers!

By Joseph R. Simaie, D.D.S.

Smily kidIn a recent clinical trial study by the University of Washington (Seattle) and the Northwest/Alaska Center to Reduce Oral Health Disparities, dental researchers found a significant drop of tooth decay in children 6 to 15 months old.1 These children were treated topically with xylitol syrup, a naturally occurring noncavity-causing sweetener.

In this clinical study, which was conducted in the Pacific island nation, Republic of Marshall Islands, children aged 6 to 15 months were given daily doses of xylitol in fruit-flavored syrup to determine if it can prevent early childhood tooth decay.

Researchers reported that 3 out 4 (76%) of the children in the group that received the xylitol syrup were free of tooth cavities by the end of the study, as opposed to only 48% of the children in the control group. This 25% increased protection in the xylitol group is a major step in tooth decay prevention.

The reason the Marshall Islands were chosen by the researchers is because the average child that enters kindergarten at age 5 has about 7 cavities, which is 2 to 3 times the rate of same-age children on the mainland.

Xylitol was approved by the US FDA in 1963 as a safe sugar substitute. It can be given to children in the form of chewing gum, lozenges, or syrup. Xylitol sweeteners can be purchased in organic and whole food markets.


  1. Milgrom, P. et al. Xylitol Topical Oral Syrup Prevents Early Childhood Caries: A RCT, by July 5, 2008, 86th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research.

[Ed. Note: Dr. Joseph R. Simaie is an Implant, Cosmetic, and Restorative dentist in Beverly Hills, CA. In addition to restoring smiles, his office is on the forefront of practicing preventive dentistry. Dr. Simaie is an assistant clinical professor at USC School of Dentistry. He is also a clinical evaluator for a major dental manufacturer and serves on the boards of several dental organizations.]

These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise’s Total Health Breakthroughs [Issue 11-07-08] which offers alternative solutions for mind, body and soul. For a complimentary subscription, visit


Blogger Keith DeBoer said...

Hi Dr Dharma, Nice article on stress reduction. One point that I am sure you are aware of but didn't come through in your article is that not all meditations are effective in reducing stress. In fact a meta analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology reviewed 146 research findings and found that Transcendental Meditation was twice as effective at reducing anxiety when compared to several other meditation techniques. Research has shown that many other relaxation techniques and meditation have no effect greater than the placebo. If you would like to learn more you can try

4:43 PM  
Blogger Damru-10 said...

This is a wonderful article, Dr. Dharma. Thank you for bringing the value of meditation to the attention of your readers. I've been practicing Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation for many years and have found it helps me feel calm and relaxed amidst the cares of the world. Your readers might be interested to know that not all meditation techniques produce the same results. Here is an interesting article about comparison studies among various methods of meditation and relaxation:]
Thank you again for all your efforts to help the world to be a happier and healthier place!

5:48 AM  
Blogger Cat33 said...

Thank you for your very interesting article on the effect of stress and for your insightful comments on the value of meditation. Hopefully people will listen to your recommendation, and trying times will become an opportunity to develop inner growth, happiness, and health. I noticed that you briefly referred to an article on Transcendental meditation. This is the technique I have been practicing for over twenty years with wonderful results, and I recommend it without reservation. I was recently speaking to a friend who told me that in his life he had initially tried many different types of meditation. Out of all of them, he said, TM was the one worth practicing, the simplest, most effective, and the one that produced the greatest results. I know there are many scientific studies showing the effectiveness of TM and would love to hear your thoughts on this subject.

4:28 PM  
Blogger mummusic said...

I’m sure some nice relaxation occurs when one focuses on a word like ‘heal’ or ‘one’. However, it's important to know that the powerful health benefits that are cited in this article (documented by the American Medical Association, the American Heart Association, funded by the National Institutes of Health, etc.) have only been proven with one technique: Transcendental Meditation. Other forms of relaxation have not shown to be nearly as effective. Here is why: the stress-release experienced during Transcendental Meditation is far, far deeper than that of ordinary relaxation. During TM, the mind settles inward BEYOND thinking, to experience pure awareness, the source of thought, also known as transcendental consciousness. In that state, the brain functions with significantly greater coherence than during other forms of relaxation. That increase in brainwave coherence is needed before one can gain all the fantastic health benefits. This technique is both powerful and delicate, and it needs the personal guidance of a trained teacher; it cannot be learned from a book or CD. I recommend "" for more information.

11:50 AM  

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