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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

2 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism and Start Burning Fat

By Jon Herring

This past weekend, I met a man at a dinner party who shared with me the difficulty he is having losing weight. He said that he has not always been overweight, but he gained about 40 pounds in the last several years when his career and lifestyle became more sedentary. He said he was frustrated, because he was "doing everything right" but the fat just wouldn't come off.

Here's what he meant by "doing everything right": He was eating a lot less, he was eating less frequently, and he was eating a "low-fat" diet. In other words, he was sabotaging his efforts to lose weight by slowing down his metabolism.

If you want to maximize your fat-burning potential, you've got to crank up your metabolism. Here are two ways to do it:

. Don't starve yourself. Cutting too many calories is a sure way to slow down your metabolic rate. It will also ensure that you are more likely to lose muscle rather than fat. Instead, focus on eating MORE foods that are protein-rich and nutrient-dense.

. Eat more frequently. By eating five to seven small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day, you will ramp up your metabolism and be less likely to overeat. This will also help to maintain stable blood sugar levels, which also contributes to fat loss.

It's Fun to Know: About Buying Property on the Moon

A 1967 United Nations treaty outlawed ownership of extraterrestrial property by governments. Several companies, however, citing a lack of language banning ownership by individuals or businesses, claim to own all or portions of the Moon, as well as planets and other bodies in our solar system and beyond. These companies are busy selling the lunar land to fellow Earthlings, while their lawyers defend the practice.

These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #1972, 02-22-07], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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