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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Protect Your Aging Brain With Fish Fat

By Al Sears, MD

Two new studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids can actually prevent "cognitive decline," a fancy term for losing the ability to understand and think clearly.

In one study, researchers looked at the diet and thinking ability of 210 healthy men who were 79 to 89 years old. Five years later, those men who ate fish regularly were mentally sharper than those who didn't. And what nutrient does fish contain in abundance? That's right - omega-3s.

In the other study, researchers found that those with high omega-3 blood levels had better verbal ability than those who didn't. This means they could speak more easily and recall words, names, and phrases without difficulty. Plus, they were better able to keep track of what they and others were saying.

If that sounds too good to be true, well... it's not. You can actually ramp up your brainpower through a simple change in diet. So eat lots of fish, but be careful. Most fish found in supermarkets and restaurants is farm-raised. The unnatural diets farm-raised fish rely on actually reduce the amount of omega-3s in their flesh. I wouldn't recommend eating a lot of any fish that wasn't wild-caught.

Another simple way to boost your omega-3 levels is to supplement with fish oil. The researchers behind the above two studies recommended 400 mgs per day for fish oil in capsule form. If you prefer straight fish oil, take about one tablespoon per day.

[Ed. Note: Dr. Sears is a practicing physician and a leading anti-aging authority. When supplementing with fish oil, purity is essential.]
It's Fun to Know: About Cruise Ships

At 1,181 feet long, 213 feet tall, and 154 feet wide, Royal Caribbean's new 5,400-passenger Genesis-class cruise ship will be the world's largest when it is finished in 2009. The $1.2 billion price tag for the as yet unnamed ship didn't stop the cruise line from recently ordering a second such ship from builder Aker Finnyards of Finland.

(Source: Wikipedia and Reuters)
Word to the Wise: Janissary

A "Janissary" (JAN-uh-ser-ee) - often capitalized - was a member of an elite military unit of the Turkish army that guarded the Ottoman sultan and his household. The word has also come to mean a member of a group of highly loyal supporters.

Example (as used in a New Yorker review of The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid): "Only in the wake of the September 11th attacks, when America's wrath turns toward his homeland, does he realize that he has become a latter-day janissary - akin to the children of defeated nations who, conscripted into the army of the enemy, 'fought to erase their own civilizations.'"

Michael Masterson
These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2076, 06-23-07], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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