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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's Good to Know: Locating Files on Your Computer

By Suzanne Richardson

You may have a top-notch filing system, but even so it can be hard to locate a file in the impenetrable thicket of Word documents, e-mails, spreadsheets, MP3s, and photos on your computer. To quickly find what you're looking for, try one of these free desktop search engines:

. Google Desktop: After forming an index of practically everything on your hard drive, Google Desktop allows you to search through them the way you'd do any Google search. It even brings up results in a Web browser, Google-style. And each time you go to Google to search for a subject, the search engine will tell you if you have related files on your computer, in your e-mail, or in your Web history.

. Windows Desktop Search: Like Google Desktop, Windows Desktop indexes your hard drive. Instead of seeing your search results in a browser, you'll get them in a Windows application. You can sort your results by name, file type, author, or date, or filter them so you see only one type of file.

. Copernic Desktop Search: Copernic works just like Google Desktop and Windows Desktop, but it allows you to specify your searches - narrowing down results to those from a certain sender, for instance. You can also search through e-mails and attachments from Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, and Eudora.

(Source: Australian PC World)
Word to the Wise: Avaricious

"Avaricious" (av-uh-RISH-us) means greedy for wealth and/or power.

Example (as I used it today): "Since the war on terror began, our world image has definitely suffered. Our traditional image as well-meaning brats has morphed ominously into something more sinister: unprincipled, avaricious monsters."

Michael Masterson
These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #1773, 07-05-06], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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