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Monday, May 14, 2007

Say No to Cholesterol Drugs for Kids

By Al Sears, MD

The American Heart Association now recommends statin drugs (cholesterol-lowering medications) for children with "high cholesterol." That's hard for me to stomach. Kids need cholesterol to grow into healthy adults.

Your brain is mostly fat, and cholesterol is essential for brain function - especially for developing children. Studies prove it. For instance, doctors at the University of Pittsburgh revealed that patients taking Zocor didn't perform as well on mental tests while taking the drug. They experienced a loss in attention span, memory, and overall mental efficiency that they didn't have before they started Zocor. That could be a big problem for children in school.

You see, statins mess with your body's chemistry, namely by affecting the way you metabolize fat. Even though many think this is good for lowering cholesterol, it's bad for your brain. Your brain needs fat to function, and without it memory starts slipping.

So instead of using statins to "treat" children with high cholesterol, try to eliminate trans-fats from their diets. The worst offenders are French fries and fried fish and chicken. Instead, increase their omega-3 fatty acid intake. This is as easy as including more fish oils, avocados, nuts, olives, and eggs in their meals. Yes, I said eggs. Despite what you've heard, eggs improve cholesterol ratios. Not to mention they're loaded with heart-healthy omega 3s and CoQ10.

[Ed. Note: Dr. Sears, a practicing physician and the author of The Doctor's Heart Cure, is a leading authority on longevity, physical fitness, and heart health.]

It's Good to Know: Chopstick Etiquette

When eating in a Chinese restaurant, have you ever stabbed your food with your chopsticks or used them like drumsticks on the table? Tsk tsk. Those are major violations of etiquette in the Asian countries that use chopsticks as eating utensils. Other actions to avoid include pointing with your chopsticks, using them to move bowls or plates, or letting the points touch the table. And when you're done eating, never leaving them standing vertically in a bowl of rice, which can be associated with certain funeral rites. Chopsticks should instead be placed horizontally on the plate or on a chopstick rest.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Word to the Wise: Triage

"Triage" (tree-AZH) - from the French for "to sort" - is the process of allocating treatment to patients - especially battle and disaster victims - according to a priority system designed to maximize the number of survivors.

Example (as used by Marc Charles today): "What Ryan needs is business 'triage' not 'advice.'"

These articles appear courtesy of Early to Rise [Issue #2040, 05-12-07], the Internet's most popular health, wealth, and success e-zine. For a complimentary subscription, visit


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